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    • April 27, 2020 2:04 PM IST
    • A lace wig is constructed from a lace cap that covers the whole head and the 100% human hair is knotted into this by hand. Here are the ultimate care instructions of Lace Front Wigs.

      Avoid exposure to direct heat:
      Just like any other hair, the exposure of 360 Lace Front Wig to direct heat should be completely avoided. The heat damages the wig’s ends and this may lead to the drying out of your cuticles. Thus, when you place the lace wig on your head, ensure that you protect it from direct heat of the sun. Place a Cheap Lace Front Wigs near a fire, or over or near any other source of heat where it can get damaged easily. It is also recommended that; when wearing lace wigs that you don’t expose the locks to direct heat for a long period of time. Also avoid sitting close to fire and avoid use of a hair dryer on lace wig. The use of a hair dryer will cause drying out of your hair and may cause irreparable damage.

      Use luke warm water in spray bottle to wash it:
      Because the lace wig is not attached to the head, ensure that you always wash when it’s on its mannequin head.After the shampoo has been dispersed evenly through the lace wig, you can now rinse it. The rinsing should be done under cool water. After rinsing, you can apply conditioner. Work on the lace wig with conditioner just the way you worked through it with the shampoo. Once you are through with washing the lace wig with conditioner and shampoo, you can now rinse it out gently again for the third time, under water at room temperature. In doing this, ensure that you do not rub the hair strands against the other. In fact, you should pat dry your hair to prevent breakage or tangling of the hair.

      Other important tips:
      Lace wigs should be washed at least twice every month, most preferably with clarifying shampoo. Clarifying shampoo is highly recommended because it helps with frizz, and tangles.

      Never blow dry lace wigs after being washed and rather allow to dry naturally. This will cause drying of the wig, and that may lead to increased breakage.

      I hope you have found this guide useful. If you need any more help just let us know either by visit www.ruiyuhair.com

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    • March 20, 2020 9:15 AM IST
    • SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINES, France -- Four-time major winner Rory McIlroy roared back into contention at the French Open on Friday, sinking six birdies in a 5-under round of 66 to join a five-way share of the lead. Kendall Fuller Super Bowl Jersey .The Northern Irishman could have taken the overall lead at the Le Golf National course -- which is hosting the 2018 Ryder Cup -- but a poor tee shot on the 18th hole led to a bogey.South Koreas Wang Jeung-hun matched McIlroys 66, while Thongchai Jaidee of Thailand -- who was one stroke behind overnight leader Lucas Bjerregaard of Denmark -- posted a 1-under 70 for a share of the lead. The other co-leaders, Mikko Ilonen of Finland and South African Brandon Stone, had 68s.Bjerregaard is three shots behind after four bogeys in a 74.I played well. I kept the ball in play, I drove it well, hit fairways, hit a lot of greens. Thats sort of what you need to do around this golf course, McIlroy said.I felt like I putted nicely. There were still a couple of putts that didnt quite drop but it felt good out there. I need two more days like that over the weekend to have a chance.McIlroy was five shots off the lead overnight after an opening round where he struggled with his swing.In a way its nice to go into contention and not really be thinking about the result, said McIlroy, currently in the spotlight because of his decision to miss the Olympics over concerns about the Zika virus.He is using the tournament as a warmup for the British Open, starts July 14 at Royal Troon in western Scotland.McIlroy announced in April that he was skipping the Bridgestone Invitational to instead play at the French Open for the first time since 2010.While the five-man leading group has 28 European Tour wins between them, the chasing pack is strong.Defending champion Bernd Wiesberger of Austria was at four under alongside Nicolas Colsaerts and Anders Hansen, with Joost Luiten, Francesco Molinari, Thomas Pieters and Andy Sullivan a further shot back.Wiesberger had five birdies in his first eight holes but his momentum was ended by a triple-bogey and a bogey-bogey finish.There are four qualifying places for the British Open up for grabs They will go to the leading four players, not otherwise exempt, who finish in the top 12 and ties. Derrick Nnadi Super Bowl Jersey . Bryzgalov stopped 25 shots on Saturday in the Oklahoma City Barons 4-1 victory over the Abbotsford Heat. The Oilers signed Bryzgalov to a one-year $2 million contract last Friday after shedding payroll by dealing defenceman Ladislav Smid to the Flames. Darrel Williams Super Bowl Jersey . After a first half in which he thought "the lid was on the basket," the Toronto Raptors coach watched his squad mount a second half surge to defeat the Cleveland Cavaliers 98-91. http://www.officialkcchiefspro.com/Bashaud-breeland-chiefs-jersey/ .Y. -- Buffalo Bills coach Doug Marrone has drawn on his Syracuse connections once again by hiring Rob Moore to take over as receivers coach. PITTSBURGH -- The scheduled starters for Saturdays Cincinnati-Pittsburgh game at PNC Park have had an eventful week, for different reasons.Reds right-hander Homer Bailey returned Sunday after 15 months between major league starts because of Tommy John surgery. Two days later, he was vocal in criticizing the club for trading slugger Jay Bruce.Pirates right-hander Ivan Nova, meanwhile, was directly part of the trade deadline flurry. Pittsburgh acquired him from the Yankees for two players to be named. He will be making his debut with his new team Saturday.The game will be the second of the series, after the Pirates won 3-2 on Friday.Nova joined the Pirates on the road and during his first pregame appearance in the Pittsburgh clubhouse, he was pulled in a few directions to tend to some equipment needs, publicity photos and such.But it sounded as if Nova would have some comfort level Saturday night.I have the advantage that the catcher who will probably be catching me is a guy that Ive known for a long time, he said of Francisco Cervelli. Hes a really good friend of mine. We have good history.In fact, Nova worked with Cervelli and another Pirates catcher, Chris Stewart, during his time with the Yankees. Stewart (knee) is on the disabled list.I came from the American League to the National League. Theres a lot of hitters I dont know, Nova said. They have an idea how to pitch to them.Nova was 7-6 with one save and a 4.90 ERA in 21 games with New York. He moved from the bullpen to the rotation in early May. In 15 starts, he is 6-5 with a 4.86 ERA.Nova doesnt plan on changing a lot and had not spoken with Pittsburgh pitching coach Ray Searage about his delivery.I dont think I have any mechanical probleems, Nova said. Darron Lee Super Bowl Jersey. My job is to go out there and execute my pitches.For hitters, that usually means a heavy diet of Novas sinker.The way I think is, if you dont show me you can hit my sinker, why (would) I stop throwing it? he said.Nova got some insight to life in the Pirates clubhouse from left-hander Francisco Liriano, a friend who was traded by Pittsburgh to Toronto on Monday.He also got the standard mantra from Pittsburgh manager Clint Hurdle: The organizational themes, to shrink-wrap it: You fear nothing. You respect everything. We hold ourselves to a very high level of execution in what we say and do. We dont make excuses. We play for the name on the front and represent the name on the back. If youre going to get your name in the paper, keep it in the sports page.Bailey, if he were under the Pirates watch, wouldnt have violated Hurdles mandates, but surely didnt get rave reviews from the Cincinnati management for questioning the motives behind the Bruce trade.I think I see the plan, Bailey told ESPN.com on Tuesday. They talked about us losing 100 games at the beginning of the year, and (expletive), were damn sure trying, arent we?Two days earlier, Bailey was basking in a successful return from his long injury absence. He allowed two runs, struck out six and walked three in 5 2/3 innings in a 3-2 victory against San Diego.He was sharper than I thought he would be, catcher Tucker Barnhart told Cincinnati.com. When Homers elevating and getting swings-and-misses on fastballs up, hes at his best. It just opens up his split and his breaking balls even more. ' ' '

    • March 20, 2020 9:14 AM IST
    • THE 10 EVENTSMen (5 events): Individual events in foil, epee and sabre ; Team events in foil and epeeWomen (5 events): Individual events in foil, epee and sabre. Custom Colorado Avalanche Jerseys . Team events in sabre and epeeTHE FORMAT (for the 3 disciplines)Individual and team (3 fencers) events: Knock-out format leading to quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals.MILESTONES1200 BCWall paintings in ancient Egypt depict refereed fencing competitions.1896Fencing is on the programme for the first modern Olympics.1900Appearance of the epee at the Games.1924The womens foil event makes its Olympic debut.1956Appearance of the electric foil at the Melbourne Games.1996The womens epee event makes its Olympic debut in Atlanta.2004The womens sabre event makes its Olympic debut in Athens.THE STARSChristian dOriola (France/foil)One of the greats. Double Olympic champion in 1952 and 1956, the latter being the first time electrical scoring came into effect, which he detested. Also won team golds in 1948 and 1952. On top of this, he also won four world titles in both individual and team events between 1947 and 1958.Edoardo Mangiarotti (Italy/epee, foil)The recordman. 13 Olympic medals, including 6 golds (1 in individual epee in 1952), 5 silver and 2 bronze, in epee and foil, between 1936 and 1960. Double individual world champion. Also won 11 world team titles.Valentina Vezzali (Italy/foil)Double V the superstar. The Italian made it onto the individual podium at every Games between 1996 and 2012, winning 9 Olympic medals - including 3 individual golds and 3 team golds. During a remarkable career she was also crowned individual world champion 6 times. A unique talent. Fake Avalanche Jerseys . -- Anaheim Ducks captain and leading scorer Ryan Getzlaf has been scratched from Sunday nights game against the Vancouver Canucks because of an upper-body injury. Colorado Avalanche Store . Manuel was offered a position the day he was fired. He accepted earlier this week and the team made the announcement Friday. https://www.cheapavalanche.com/ . Despite dominating possession, Schalke needed an own goal from Nicolas Hoefler for the breakthrough a minute before the interval. The Freiburg midfielder misjudged Jefferson Farfans corner and bundled the ball into his own net. CLEVELAND -- The Latest on the World Series (all times Eastern):11:50 p.m.Cody Allen has closed out the Cleveland Indians 6-0 victory over the Chicago Cubs in Game 1.Game 2 is Wednesday night. With rain in the forecast, the start time was moved up an hour to 7:08 p.m.Trevor Bauer, trying to come back from a sliced pinkie, is scheduled to start for the Indians against Jake Arrieta.---11:35 p.m.Roberto Perez has hit his second homer in Game 1, a three-run shot in the eighth inning off Cubs reliever Hector Rondon that gave the Cleveland Indians a 6-0 lead.Perez became the first No. 9 batter and first Indians player to have a multihomer game in the World Series. He has three home runs this postseason, matching his total in 61 games during the regular season.---11:15 p.m.Andrew Miller has struck out Kyle Schwarber with runners at the corners to end the top of the eighth inning and preserve Clevelands 3-0 lead over the Chicago Cubs in Game 1.The lefty reliever worked two innings and threw 46 pitches, his most in a game since 2011, when he was a starter.---10:45 p.m.Andrew Miller has pitched out of a bases-loaded, none-out jam in the seventh inning to protect Clevelands 3-0 lead over the Chicago Cubs in Game 1.Indians ace Corey Kluber was lifted after Ben Zobrists leadoff single. Miller, the AL Championship Series MVP, walked Kyle Schwarber on a full count and gave up a single to Javier Baez on an 0-2 pitch.That loaded the bases, but pinch-hitter Willson Contreras flied out to shallow center field and Addison Russell struck out on three pitches. David Ross also struck out, and Miller pumped his fist as he bounced off the mound.Kluber yielded four hits and walked none in six-plus innings. The 2014 AL Cy Young Award winner fanned nine -- eight in the first three innings.---10:15 p.m.With rain in the Cleveland forecast Wednesday night, Major League Baseball has moved up the start time for Game 2 by an hour.The first pitch at Progressive Field is now scheduled for 7:08 p.m.Trevor Bauer is slated to pitch for the Indians against Chicago Cubs right-hander Jake Arrieta.---10:15 p.m.The lights at Progressive Field flickered during the bottom of the sixth inning in Game 1.Cubs reliever Pedro Strop was about to throw a pitch to Roberto Perez when plate umpire Larry Vanover raised his arms and called timeout. A moment later, the stadium was fully bright again and play resumed.Perez struck out looking to end the inning.---9:45 p.m.Roberto Perezs second home run this postseason has given the Indians a 3-0 lead over the Cubs in Game 1.The Cleveland catcher hit a solo shot that struck the railing above the wall in left field with one out in the fourth.The drive came after Cleveland ace Corey Kluber worked out of mild trouble in the top of the inning.Perez, who batted .183 with three homers in 61 games during the regular season, has been starting in place of regular catcher Yan Gomes, who just returned from injury.---9:40 p.m.Chicago designated hitter Kyle Schwarber has his first major league hit of 2016.Schwarber doubled off Corey Kluber with two outs in the fourth. The young slugger hadnt played since tearing two ligaments in his left knee on April 7. He was ruled out for the year, but after a rapid recovery from surgery, the Cubs put Schwarber on their World Series roster Tuesday.He struck out in his first at-bat but smacked a double off the wall in right field his next time up and strolled into second base.Schwarber was stranded when Javier Baez flied out on the next pitch.---9:10 p.m.Indians ace Corey Kluber has set a World Series record with eight strikeouts through the first three innings. Cleveland leads the Chicago Cubs 2-0 in Game 1.The eight strikeouts also represent the most by an Indians hurler in a World Series game.---8:50 p.m.The Cubs had a chance to score in the second inning but couldnt do anything after Ben Zobrists leadoff double. Kyle Schwarber, added to the World Series roster Tuesday, struck out swinging. Schwarber tore two knee ligaments in early April and hadnt played in the majors since.Indians ace Corey Kluber has five strikeouts through the first two innings.---8:45 p.m.The Cleveland Indians have jumped on top 2-0 in Game 1 with a two-out rally in the first inning against a scuffling Jon Lester.Francisco Lindor singled and stole second before Lester issued consecutive walks to Mike Napoli and Carlos Santana. Jose Ramirez drove in the first run with an infield single, a swinging bunt that produced a dribbler toward third base and left the Cubs with no play.Brandon Guyer, in the starting lineup because of his strong numbers against left-handers, was hit by a pitch to force in another run. Nothing new for Guyer -- he racked up 31 HBPs this season, most in the majors and twice as many as anyone else in the American League.Lonnie Chisenhall fouled out to end the inning, with 39-year-old Cubs catcher David Ross making a nice play and getting a face full of padding on the net between home plate and the dugout.The two quick runs off Lester were one more than he allowed in his previous 21 World Series innings. The lefty entered 3-0 with a 0.43 ERA in three Series starts for Boston.---8:15 p.m.Dexter Fowler took a called third strike from Cleveland Indians ace Corey Kluber leading off the game, becoming the first Chicago Cubs player to bat in the World Series in 25,948 days.Chicago had not played a Series game since Oct. 10, 1945, when Don Johnson hit into a game-ending forceout against Detroits Hal Newhouser in Game 7.Cleveland is appearing in its first World Series since an 11-inning Game 7 loss at the Florida Marlins in 1997.---7:37 p.m.As the Indians and Cubs got ready for first pitch, Cleveland celebrated its first championship in 52 years next door.The Cavaliers, who made a historic comeback to win the NBA Finals in Junee, received their diamond rings and a banner was raised at Quicken Loans Arena. Colorado Avalanche Pro Shop. Cavs superstar LeBron James addressed the sellout crowd, telling the fans this is for you. He also wished the Indians good luck as they try to win the World Series for the first time since 1948.---7:22 p.m.LeBron James was busy raising a championship banner at Quicken Loans Arena on Tuesday night, but the Cleveland Cavaliers star made sure to take care of the hometown guys across the street at Progressive Field.James sent each member of the Indians wireless headphones ahead of Game 1 of the World Series against the Chicago Cubs. The Indians repaid James by having shortstop Francisco Lindor sign a jersey and send it back to the Cavaliers.The Indians are trying to put an end to Clevelands championship drought, which is at a daunting 128 days since James and the Cavs beat Golden State in Game 7 of the NBA Finals.---6:20 p.m.An auction house says memorabilia of Yankees great Yogi Berra sold for $493,855 during an online auction, including $159,720 for his 1953 World Series championship ring.Steiner Sports said Tuesday that Berras 1972 Hall of Fame induction ring sold for $90,000, a game-worn 1961 World Series jersey for $71,874 and his Hall induction plaque for $36,300. In all, 81 Berra lots were sold.The catcher died in September 2015.The auction ran from Sept. 13 through Monday. Prices include commission.---5:05 p.m.Indians second baseman Jason Kipnis sprained left ankle wont keep him out of Game 1 against the Cubs.Kipnis, who injured his ankle in the postgame celebration following Game 5 of the AL Championship Series in Toronto, ran the bases better than expected on Monday, and the Indians arent concerned his injury will be an issue.---5 p.m.Indians manager Terry Francona says hes considering playing Carlos Santana in left field at Chicagos Wrigley Field, where Cleveland will not have the designated hitter for Games 3-5 against the Cubs.Santana took fly balls in left the past few days, and Francona said the first baseman/DH is willing to play the outfield. Francona said the biggest hesitation in making the move is that Santana has played only one career game in left.---4:55 p.m.The weather is clear for Tuesday nights World Series opener and a game-time temperature of about 50 degrees is forecast, but there is a chance of rain during Game 2 on Wednesday night.The Weather Channel predicted a 25 percent chance of rain for the start of Game 2, with the percentage increasing to 55 percent by 10 p.m. and 80 percent by 11 p.m.The Weather Channel also predicted the wind will be blowing out at Chicagos Wrigley Field at 10-20 mph for Game 3 on Friday night. The network said the daytime highs in Chicago are expected to be at least in the mid-60s on Friday and close to 70 on Saturday.When the Series last was at Wrigley in 1945, TWC said the high temperature ranged from 74 degrees on Oct. 7 to 51 the following day.---4:10 p.m.Chicago Cubs slugger Kyle Schwarber is starting the World Series opener against the Cleveland Indians at designated hitter.Schwarber is batting fifth in Game 1 against Cleveland starter Corey Kluber.Heres the Cubs lineup: Dexter Fowler CF, Kris Bryant 3B, Anthony Rizzo 1B, Ben Zobrist LF, Schwarber DH, Javier Baez 2B, Chris Coghlan RF, Addison Russell SS and David Ross C.Heres the Indians lineup: Rajai Davis CF, Jason Kipnis 2B, Francisco Lindor SS, Mike Napoli 1B, Carlos Santana DH, Jose Ramirez 3B, Brandon Guyer LF, Lonnie Chisenhall RF and Roberto Perez C.---4 p.m.One start made Ryan Merritt a postseason hero, but hes hardly a household name.The Indians rookie pitcher walked to work virtually unrecognized Tuesday before Game 5 of the World Series against the Cubs. Wearing a backpack, the left-hander, who pitched 4 1/3 scoreless innings against Toronto in the ALCS, blended into the crowd as he made his way to Progressive Field.Indians outfielder Coco Crisp attracted more attention. He was happy to pose for selfies and sign autographs as he headed to the ballpark.Crisp is in his second stint with the Indians, who acquired him from Oakland in an August trade. The 36-year-old switch-hitter is savoring his second World Series, this time with the team he started with.Crisp says: Its like a dream come true.---10:35 a.m.Danny Salazar has made the Cleveland Indians World Series roster.The right-hander hasnt pitched in a game since Sept. 9 because of forearm tightness, but after some rehab and rest, the Indians think hes ready to help them against the Chicago Cubs.Its possible that Salazar, who was picked for his first All-Star team this season, will start Game 4. He might also pitch in relief if rookie Ryan Merritt starts at Wrigley Field. Merritt emerged as an unlikely postseason hero when he pitched 4 1/3 scoreless innings in Game 5 of the AL Championship Series against Toronto.Salazar pitched a three-inning simulated game on Sunday night, the final hurdle for him to be cleared.---10:20 a.m.Kyle Schwarber has been added to the Chicago Cubs World Series roster and could start Tuesday nights opener against the Cleveland Indians at designated hitter.The 23-year-old, sidelined after tearing two knee ligaments on April 7, was included Tuesday on the Cubs 25-man roster. Left-handed pitcher Rob Zastryzny was dropped.Schwarber was expected to miss the rest of 2016 following knee surgery but was cleared medically to resume playing on Oct. 17. He played a pair of games in the Arizona Fall League and flew to Cleveland on Monday.As a rookie, Schwarber hit .246 with 16 homers and 43 RBI in 69 games.Cleveland also made one change, including Danny Salazar in place of Cody Anderson in a swap of right-handed pitchers. ' ' '

    • March 20, 2020 9:14 AM IST
    • RALEIGH, N. Tanoh Kpassagnon Super Bowl Jersey .C. -- North Carolina State coach Dave Doeren doesnt need anyone to point out East Carolinas knack for knocking off Atlantic Coast Conference opponents.Heading into Saturdays trip to Greenville, Doeren remembers losing at home to the Pirates during his first season -- part of a run of five straight wins for the Pirates against ACC teams dating to that 2013 season.That 42-28 loss ended with Pirates fans outnumbering Wolfpack fans -- many of whom had long since bolted for the exits after falling behind big -- in N.C. States home stadium in the final quarter. Now N.C. State is traveling to East Carolinas Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium to face a rowdy sellout crowd filled with fans eager to stick it to a power-conference instate foe.Their fans did a great job in our stadium, and obviously the team I coached and we played with created that, Doeren said. Our job is to go down there and not let them have that spirit.The Wolfpack (1-0) rolled to an easy opening win against William & Mary, highlighted by a strong debut from Boise State graduate transfer Ryan Finley at the helm of a newly installed offense. The Pirates (1-0) had a lopsided home win against Western Carolina in the first game under new head coach Scottie Montgomery, who had served as Dukes offensive coordinator.Weve kind of been amped up for a long time now, Montgomery said of the instate rivalry. To be in front of our fans, were going to try to make this about us and not so much the opponent were playing. We do understand and feel the gravity of the moment. This is a big-time matchup.Ive been in the Triangle a lot of my life, so I understand the importance of winning in-state games and being around in-state opponents (that are) so close. Well be focused and ready to go.---Some things to know about Saturdays N.C. State-East Carolina matchup:FINLEYS FOLLOW-UP: Ryan Finley got off to a good start in Eli Drinkwitzs new control-the-tempo attack, leading the Wolfpack to touchdowns on all four of his first-half drives in the opener. After that game, I think weve got a clearer picture of what were good at, Drinkwitz said.NELSONS TOO: Like Finley, former Minnesota and Rutgers quarterback Philip Nelson had a strong start in his first game at his new school. Nelson threw for 398 yards and five touchdowns for the Pirates last week, completing 28 of 32 passes. But things get tougher for both quarterbacks this weekend.DAYES PURSUIT: N.C. States Matt Dayes is trying to become the Wolfpacks first 1,000-yard rusher since 2002. He ran for 138 yards and two scores in the opener, the most yards by any ACC player in Week 1. Another big game would certainly ease some of the burden on Finley and keep him on pace for that season-long pursuit.PENALTIES: N.C. State had seven penalties for 80 yards in the opener, including one when Kentavius Street was flagged for taking off his helmet to celebrate a third-down sack. Doeren wants to see the Wolfpack avoid dumb penalties that could prove costly in a close game. Weve got to act like weve done it before, he said of Streets celebration penalty.MOVING THE CHAINS: Both teams were really good on third down in the opener, combining to convert 20 of 29 chances (69 percent). With hot temperatures expected and both offenses happy to push tempo, the pressure will be on both defenses to come up with stops and stay fresh.---Follow Aaron Beard on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/aaronbeardap and the APs college football site at http://collegefootball.ap.org Darron Lee Super Bowl Jersey . -- Brandon Jennings made the most of his first game with the Detroit Pistons on Sunday night. Breeland Speaks Super Bowl Jersey .C. -- Glenn Howard needed an extra end to move into the Masters Grand Slam of Curling final. http://www.officialkcchiefspro.com/Kendall-fuller-chiefs-jersey/ . The Australian is competing in his final season in Formula One and still looking for his first win this year. He will look to end Vettels run of six straight race wins on Sunday. Webber, who is fifth in the championship, earned his second pole from the past three races and 13th of his career. OXFORD, Ohio -- Michael Weathers scored 18 of his 26 points after halftime, twin brother Marcus Weathers had his first career double-double and Miami (Ohio) overcame a 15-point deficit to beat Grambling State 78-76 in overtime on Wednesday night.Michael Weathers was 8-for-14 shooting and had a career-best eight assists while Marcus Weathers had career highs of 18 points and 12 rebounds. Jake Wright and Abdoulaye Harouna scored 12 points apiece -- including six in overtime by Harouna.Harouna made a 3-pointer and Michael Weathers hit two free throws to make it 70-65 with 3:51 left in overtime and Miami (4-3) led the rest of the way.Avery Ugba wwas fouled as he made a layup with 1:22 left, but he missed the free throw and the Tigers trailed 74-73. Emmanuel Ogbah Super Bowl Jersey. Marcus Weathers missed two free throws but, after Nigel Ribieros offensive foul on the other end, his dunk -- and a layup by Harouna -- made it 78-73 with 12 seconds to go.Ribieros 3 with 8:52 left in regulation gave Grambling State (3-5) a 62-47 lead but the RedHawks scored 18 of the next 21 points to tie it at 65.Michael Weathers blocked a potential winning jumper with two seconds left to force OT. ' ' '

    • March 20, 2020 9:10 AM IST
    • When Steven Adams got the text from a friend alerting him to the news of Kevin Durant signing in Golden State, Adams thought of his favorite Thunder credo: We dont flinch. Gary Roberts . It predates Adams, but senior teammates resurrected it in Adams honor during the 2016 playoffs, when he barely reacted to Draymond Greens groin karate.We dont flinch, Adams repeats now in the Thunder practice facility. Oh, I love that one. (For the record: he does not love agitating opposing players. People dont like me, Adams said. And it really upsets me! I want them to come to New Zealand. We have a lot of beer down there, mate.)The Durant news, which landed in the wee hours in New Zealand, didnt faze him. I was like, OK, whatever. Adams said. And then I read it in the Players Tribune, or whatever its called. (Adams pronounces it Try-bune, which is delightful, by the way).Billy Donovan, the teams head coach, had braced for the bombshell, and was likewise ready to move on. For me it was, OK, onto the next thing. Donovan told ESPN.com. It was his decision. He earned the right to make it. People can have an opinion on his decision, but it was his.Donovan also understood the enormity of his new challenge. We had a system where 95 percent of the playbook was wrapped around a few guys, he said. This is square one.Well, not quite. The Thunder are not the post-LeBron Cavaliers -- a shattered cast of aging veterans that had no collective NBA future without their centerpiece. Some of that is the result of careful planning. Sam Presti, the Thunders longtime GM, restocked the cupboard with young players in almost every deal -- including the mega-trades involving James Harden and Serge Ibaka. (Weve dissected the Harden trade and its tax implications enough; the Ibaka deal looks more like a heist every day, and this is coming from someone?who at least tried to defend the Magics gambit).The Thunder always got younger, a fascinating resolution to a complex cost-benefit problem. Staying young would leave them better positioned to weather a doomsday event, and guaranteed theyd be the freshest, bounciest team every playoff series. They would never look old. They would make other teams look old.But it also ticked their timetable back as Durant and Russell Westbrook entered their primes; their stars were ready to win big, but much of the supporting cast wasnt.That remains true today, as Westbrook, the last remaining star from the greatest NBA what-if? of the last 20 years, drags a young roster bereft of outside shooting into the post-Durant unknown. Westbrook was the product of a painful, years-long tank job, and he is the reason -- much more so than the gaggle of interesting young guys around him -- the Thunder sit over .500 after a wrenching summer.Oklahoma City has outscored opponents by seven points per 100 possessions -- usually a borderline top-five number at the team level -- with Westbrook on the floor and plunged into a sinkhole when he rests. (Donovan could mitigate this a bit by scrapping any time Westbrook and Victor Oladipo sit together.)Westbrook has just one season after this one locked into his contract. He will be approaching 30 then, with knee surgeries in the rearview. The Thunder face a deadline: can they vault back into contention during Westbrooks prime, and before he starts looking elsewhere for his best shot at a ring?The Thunder tuned out incoming calls checking on Westbrooks availability once he indicated he would sign an extension, but if things go sour, theyd have to hold their noses and test the market. They cannot afford to lose another superstar for nothing. Remember: Oklahoma City led the fight two years ago against lottery reforms that would have made tanking less profitable.This version of the Thunder has no certain path back to 55 wins barring an unlikely star turn for Adams or Oladipo. But rosters are fluid. The Thunder had no means to refashion themselves after Durant bolted. Sure, theyd like more shooting now that Durant and Ibaka are gone; they couldnt afford anyone better than Alex Abrines and his permanent Euro-style three-day pseudo-beard.They acquired Oladipo with the idea of making him a sixth man -- the new Harden -- instead of jamming him alongside Westbrook into a starting five with zero proven above-average NBA 3-point shooters.They remain interested in bigger wings, including Rudy Gay, sources say, in part because such a player would slide everyone down to their intended spots: Oladipo to the bench, and Andre Roberson back to defending shooting guards.But you cant just conjure trades or better shooting. The Thunder have to make do.Adams misses the lob dunks -- those plays where he looked like Tyson Chandler, when the lane cleared on a pick-and-roll as Westbrook drove and enemy defenders stayed close to Durant and Ibaka:Teams are walling off the paint against Westbrook, inviting Oklahoma Citys new cast of non-shooters to fire away:To find the rim, Adams would have to knock over two or three dudes. They took away the lobs, he said.Steven got so many dunks because teams were trying to take Kevin away, Donovan said. Now, theyre building a wall.All those bodies in the paint chip away at one method of compensating for blah shooting: crashing the absolute hell out of the offensive glass. After leading the league in offensive rebounding rate by a record margin last season, the Thunder are down to a mortal No. 10 this time around, per NBA.com.Theyre running like bandits to nab fast-break buckets before opposing defenses form that wall. Only three teams have scored more fast-break points, and a full 17 percent of Oklahoma Citys possessions have come in transition -- the highest share in the league, per Synergy Sports. Westbrook is a threat to rampage 1-on-5 at any moment, and hes fast and ferocious enough to pull it off. Westbrook in full flight is the best show in the NBA.Good thing, because only two teams -- the Magic and Heat -- score at a worse rate in the half-court, per Synergy.The Thunder are aware. They are in the very early stages of developing a side-to-side attack that empowers Westbrooks teammates. If opponents build a wall, the Thunder will at least make them shift the bricks around until an alleyway to the rim cracks open.In lieu of real NBA spacing, you can create floor movement, Donovan said. Shift the defense enough, and youll find corridors. If we swing it and swing it, it gives the defense more chances to make a mistake, Adams said.The Thunder are finding pathways, even in the half-court; only three teams have attempted more shots from within the restricted area. The Thunder are a battering ram, because they have to be.We just have to keep attacking the paint, over and over, Adams said.The whole thing is, predictably, a little clunky. Having at least one more competent 3-point shooter would make those pathways a little wider. New teammates are learning each other, and all the playbook wrinkles that replaced pindowns and pick-and-pops for Durant and Ibaka.The goal is to be fluid, but a lot of possessions look jagged. They like to have Oladipo run off one pick, catch the ball on the move, and zoom right into a second pick-and-roll -- only that second screener often arrives late, forcing Oladipo to stand and wait.Hesitation is death in the NBA.The timing on those things can be a little off, Donovan said, but were working.In the meantime, Westbrook is so singularly relentless, he transcends systemic limitations on a lot of possessions. He literally flies through and around packs of defenders. Drop back too far, daring Westbrook to launch midrange jumpers, and he might plow right at you -- and deep enough into the paint to draw emergency help:An underrated craftiness buttresses his blazing speed -- the in-and-out dribble, hesitation moves, little fakes that send defenders smashing into screens. Adams is a nasty screener who has learned to flip the direction of his pick at the last second.This is taxing work, and Westbrook is carrying an unsustainable load -- even for a top-five player. He has taken 21 of the Thunders 30 shots in the last three minutes of games within three points, per NBA.com.Westbrook is on pace to set the record for usage rate, and he wears down on defense late in games; hell smack into a pick and linger in no-mans land, mentally and physically exhausted, as a play unfolds around him.We are always evaluating his minutes, Donovan said.It is not entirely a coincidence that the Thunder are lacking marksmanship. Presti cut his teeth in San Antonio, and his track record suggests he prioritizes wingspan, defense, and character in picking players. As the league trended smaller, Presti doubled down on an old-school twin-towers look. In Roberson, Jerami Grant -- recently acquired from the Sixers in exchange for highly-protected first-round pick -- and Josh Huestis, Presti has nabbed three versions of the same guy: the long athlete who cant shoot.The Thunder want two-way players (duh), but they have defaulted toward guys who can defend elite offenses in the postseason -- guys who dont get played off the floor because of their shaky defense. In the playoffs, you have to have two-way players, Donovan said. The hard part of that is finding guys who can match up defensively.The Thunder are tied for fifth in points allowed per possession, and they have the building blocks for a hyper-aggressive, attacking defense -- a swarm of guys long and fast enough to switch across multiple positions, and run shooter after shooter off the arc.?They will probably regress a bit -- opponents are shooting just 32 percent from deep, and the early schedule was soft -- but this is frenetic fun:Coaches can always teach guys how to shoot, though it hasnt clicked yet for Roberson and Huestis. It may with Oladipo, a stud worker with a decent stroke already shooting 41 percent from deep this season.Failing that, Donovan is confident he can unearth ways make non-shooters useful on offense in the playoffs. Its like with Andre against Golden State, Donovan said. OK, the Warriors werent guarding him. Well, how can we take advantage of that and put him in position where hes a threat? It takes creativity.Donovan had Roberson set picks, cut backdoor, and slice inside for offensive rebounds. He leveraged Golden States inattention against them. It worked, until it didnt, and until Roberson started bricking 3s again in Game 7.There might also be some arbitrage going on here. Oklahoma City isnt a free agent destination, and the Thunder typically pick at the bottom of the draft; they cant sign whoever theyd like. If you cant win the auction for 3-and-D guys or build the leagues deadliest spread pick-and-roll attack, maybe you should search out different sorts of players who thrive in a different sort of style -- a unique thing you can master.The Thunder did that to a degree over the last two seasons, and it worked. It made sense to surround two gravitational stars with ravenous defenders and rebounders who could mooch scraps, and do the dirty work. It doesnt make as much sense with Westbrook alone. It also wont be this way forever. The Thunder will adapt.Sabonis represents the possibility of a player the Thunder have searched years for: a playmaking power forward who can throw smart passes, pivot right into a killer dribble hand-off, nail 3s, post up smaller guys after switches, and drive to the rim when defenders rush to close out on him. Basically: a better Mitch McGary, without the weed.Beyond Nick Collison, a bit player now, the Thunder bigs have been mechanical. Perhaps Sabonis can change that. He feels the game. He tells teammates where to cut before he even catches a pass. He knows where to be on defense, and he tries hard. He watches so much film, Collison had to suggest he stop before the season opener against Philly; Collison was afraid Sabonis would overwhelm himself with information, he said.Hes an absolute sponge, Adams said of Sabonis.Hes hit 47 percent from deep on a healthy number of attempts, and he caught the Clippers -- the leagues best defense so far -- by surprise with his shooting last week. Having him outside the arc helps their floor balance in transition defense, a nice side benefit with Westbrook spilling to the floor so often on drives.The Thunder are already trying Sabonis as a stretch center in smaller lineups that open the floor for slashers like Grant:If he turns into an above-average starter, the Thunder have a very nice Sabonis-Adams frontline locked in for at least the next half-decade. That changes their franchise trajectory. If Sabonis settles in as an above-average 3-point shooter, he would also unclog the floor on offense.As they wait for the youngsters, the Thunder will hunt incremental moves. They targeted Grant, and when Cameron Payne gets healthy, they might have enough to make a run at a Gay-level player; they can still trade the protected portion of the 2020 pick they flipped in the Grant deal, and they have about $7 million in cap room.The Thunder sacrificed a pick for Waiters, and were prepared to do so in 2014 for Iman Shumpert -- two guys with tarnished reputations who might have grown into 3-and-D specialists within the Thunder culture.The Thunder will kick the tires on similar guys over the next couple of years. The makeover wont happen fast. Hell, Sabonis is just 20, no sure bet to develop into a plus starter on a contender. Scouts are divided on whether he has enough oomph to attack off the bounce. He cant dislodge big guys on the block yet, and opponents with post games will bully him on the other end.He will struggle chasing speedier power forwards and small-ball lineups on defense. In other words: What if Sabonis is actually a center who doesnt offer much rim protection?Those questions take time to answer. Sabonis has shown encouraging flashes -- Im bullish -- but flashes are momentary. Being consistently really good in the NBA is beyond most of the player population.Westbrook is happy for now as the alpha dog among teammates who dont mind when he yells and scowls. Its unclear how long that will last; the Thunder are barely keeping their heads above .500, after starting the season 6-1 and then losing four straight.Either way, the team is too young to win big over the remaining years of Westbrooks current deal. Even if every young guy eventually approaches his ceiling, Westbrook would be leading a one-star team against two- and three-star clusters. Lone superstars can win when everything aligns -- see the 2011 Mavs -- but that is rare to the point of irrelevance. One-star outfits dont get all that far when that centerpiece isnt the very best player in the league.The Thunder arent naive about this. Finding that second star will be hard, especially in a teensy market. There is no sign Blake Griffin wants to come home, per several sources. Extensions for Adams and Oladipo have Oklahoma City capped out this summer even if they slough off Kanters deal; depending on what happens with Roberson in free agency, they might have to cut money from next seasons payroll just to duck the luxury tax. Its unclear if theyll even have meaningful room in the summer of 2018.Lots will change between now and then, in Oklahoma City and elsewhere. Unexpected opportunities will come up. Someone on the roster will make a leap, and someone else will bust.For now, the Thunder are just figuring out what they are. Once they do that, they can truly redesign themselves.Its day by day, Adams said. We dont get ahead of ourselves. We dont have the luxury for that anymore.10 Things I Like And Dont Like1. Vince Carters twilightWe are in year six -- with an injury-plagued two-year hiccup in Memphis, admittedly -- of Carter working perhaps the greatest superstar-to-role player transition in league history. With Dirk Nowitzki, Paul Pierce, and Metta World Peace in varying stages of benchdom, Carter has been holding it down for the 1990s draftees on a punchless Memphis team desperate for offense.Hes canning bailout jumpers late on the shot clock, slinging no-look passes, and playing whip-smart off-ball defense. He can still run a pick-and-roll in a pinch, and hes tussled with elite wing scorers -- including Giannis Antetokounmpo -- in recent games. If youre lucky, you might catch a glimpse of his coiled, silky athleticism. Carter can still rise high, and if hes feeling giddy, hell rev the motorcycle engines for old times sake.What a remarkable career. Stop asking if Carter is a Hall of Famer. Hes in.2. The craft of Kemba WalkerHoly Kemba! Walker has been the best point guard in the Eastern Conference so far. Raves about Walker usually focus on his improved shooting, and with good reason. Two seasons ago, teams ducked under screens against him: Go ahead and jack it up, buddy! Do that now, and youre toast.Walker has drilled 48 percent from deep on more than seven attempts per game, career highs by a mile, and hes carrying Charlotte during a tepid start from Nicolas Batum.But Walker has honed every point guard skill during his rise to stardom. Hes shooting better from almost everywhere, getting to the line more, keeping those turnovers low and scuttling around screens on defense. He might be the leagues most creative jitterbug dribbler, and he subtly brilliant searching out the best bang-for-the-buck passing lanes:That is a Ricky Rubio-level pocket pass -- a tick earlier than the defense expects it, and so in rhythm with the pitter-pat of Walkers dribble, they almost dont realize its happening. Wait longer, and Cody Zellers path to paydirt might fill up with bodies. Go early, and the pass isnt there.3. DEE-NIED!Ian Eagles catchphrases spring forth so organically, you barely notice them -- or register that they are catchphrases at all. You imagine them as the accidental epiphanies of a brain hardwired to produce them.His go-to for an emphatic block might be favorite Eagleism: DEE-NIED! -- a stretched-out two-syllable whoop that rises to an exclamation point. He keeps it fresh by saving it for only the most violent, humiliating rejections. Ian Eagle is a legend.4. The state of Brandon KnightIt just isnt working out, notwithstanding a breakout against Denver on Wednesday. Knight is shooting 38 percent, and heaving the usual dose of infuriating foot-on-the-line long 2s. Teams are obliterating the Suns whenever Knight is on the floor, and the damage is even worse when he shares the court with Eric Bledsoe in what was once Phoenixs dream backcourt. He has the third-worst raw plus-minus in the league, ahead of only Evan Turner and Jeff Green -- now annoying his fifth fan base!The evidence is piling up that Knight doesnt quite have the feel to be a lead guard -- the wayward lobs to a moping Tyson Chandler, bounce passes that miss their target or hit people in the feet, and barfy pull-up jumpers early in the shot clock. Knight isnt big enough to start on the wing, which means hes probably living out his destiny as a score-first sixth man in the Jamal Crawford lineage. He just has to you, you know, score.5. Milwaukee, fronting the postThe Bucks have faced a cupcake schedule, but they may have stabilized a defense that plunged to 22nd in points allowed per possession last season. Theyve done it without extinguishing the frenzy that defined their stout second-ranked defense from two seasons ago.The Bucks know they have the longest collective wingspan in the league, and they leverage every inch of it. Theyll flood the strong side with extra defenders, smothering your first option and daring you to fling a pass across the court to the guy Milwaukee has -- temporarily -- left wide open. The Bucks wager they can outrun the ball while its in the air, and appear in that players grill when he catches it. Meanwhile, the shot clock ticks.Opponents knew what was coming last season, and devised ways to shred it. Milwaukee has refined its scheme, and their core guys have grown more comfortable in it. It is especially fun to watch them sandwich post-up players:Poor Jarell Martin, tasked with throwing a simple damn entry pass to Marc Gasol. Tony Snell is harassing him, and Miles Plumlee is fronting Gasol. Giannis Antetokounmpo lurks behind Gasol, laying in wait for the classic lob pass over a fronting defender. Good freaking luck.6. More of that good Frye LoveTyronn Lue unleashed this all-shooting, defense-challenged frontcourt for 55 minutes over last seasons playoffs after using it for just 30 minutes total in the regular season. Bad news for every team outside Oakland: Lue is confident in the Love-Frye combo now, and hes rolled it out already for 60 minutes this season.Opposing coaches feared this lineup last season, and wondered privately why Lue wouldnt use it. Love and Frye will never be defensive stoppers, and the Cavs probably cant play them together against Golden States Death Lineup. But they do fine against basically everyone else, including the Easts patsies, and the Cavs are unguardable when they surround LeBron with maximum shooting.The Love-Frye duo forms a powerful antidote to any behemoth center. You think Dwight Howard and Jonas Valanciunas want to chase these dudes 30 feet from the hoop? Those guys might hurt Cleveland in the post, but the math tilts in the Cavs favor.Offense gets really simple with five shooters on the floor: station Love and Frye near the elbows, run cutters off of them, and wait for someone to pop open.7. Dante Cunningham, small forwardCan we all agree that Dante Cunningham should never be allowed to play small forward? Can we write this into the new collective bargaining deal? God, the Pellies spacing is horrific.8. The effortlessness of Kristaps PorzingisSometimes you wonder how Porzingis ever misses a jumper. Hes so tall, contested shots become open when he rises. Few defenders can even reach a hand into his airspace. That inherent edge, plus a buttery quick-trigger release, transforms impossible looking contortions -- turnarounds, fadeaways -- into makeable shots.His step-back jumper along the baseline looks alarmingly easy.Porzingis has disappointed a bit on defense this season, and the Knicks are queasy about sliding him to center for extended minutes. New York has been much better with both Porzingis and Joakim Noah on the court, though there is a ton of noise in those numbers.They have to know slotting Porzingis at center is the long-term play. He has so much more room to operate in the lane, and its a lot to ask of a 7-3 dude to chase around small-ball power forwards on defense.Jeff Hornacek benched Noah for the second half of New Yorks win over Dallas on Monday, and this back-and-forth will be something to watch all season.9. Toronto, missing a piecePascal Siakam has filled Jared Sullingers starting power forward spot with admirable rookie verve, but hes overmatched. Torontos patchwork starting five has managed a pathetic 99 points per 100 possessions, and opponents have outscored that group by about 7.5 points per 100 possessions -- a mammoth number. A would-be contender is effectively spotting opponents five points a night.Siakam is a non-threat on offense. Look how easily Denver bottles up this DeMar DeRozan-Jonas Valanciunas pick-and-roll by ignoring Siakims looping cut to the perimeter -- and having his man bump Valanciunas:Heres a version of the same play, with Patrick Patterson in Siakams place:Sullinger will help, but his health and conditioning are uncertain, and hes a center, anyway. DeMarre Carroll doesnt look ready to soak up time as a small-ball power forward. The Raptors need a boost to challenge Cleveland.10. Cole Aldrichs meat hooksAldrich has the biggest gap in recorded human history between how coordinated he looks and how coordinated he actually he is. Aldrich is straight-up dexterous. Case in point: He gets his meaty hands on a lot of balls in situations that seem like theyre unfolding too fast for him. Hell backpedal to corral an opposing point guard on the pick-and-roll, appear teetering on the verge of a pratfall, and then suddenly reach out and swat the ball right out of the guys hand.Aldrich lurches his way to 2.3 deflections per game in just 13 minutes of playing time, per NBA.com. Everyone in his range on the deflection leaderboard plays at least 20 minutes per game, and some log double the playing time. Nate Hawkins . -- If Henry Burris has his way, he will be the starting quarterback to lead the Hamilton Tiger-Cats back to the Grey Cup next year. Al Burton . Brandon Morrow allowed five runs on six hits over three innings. He struck out two, walked one and hit a batter. Edwin Encarnacion had a two-out, bases loaded two-RBI double in the third inning. https://www.cheapnfljerseyschina.co/chris-peace-jersey-for-sale/ . Pedro scored from a pass by Lionel Messi in the 33rd minute and added two more goals in the 47th and 72nd after Valdes saved his second penalty in four days following his stop in Wednesdays 4-0 over Ajax in the Champions League. * This post contains spoilers. The biggest question lingering from the first episode of Pitch, was how sustainable is a television show like this? In fairness, thats a question most television shows face. I doubt people would have bet that Greys Anatomy would get to a 13th season, and by the way, the scripted program is still finding new material for the team at?Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.Pitch invests in its characters backstories and relationships as a means of augmenting the center story of its lead character, Ginny Baker, who is trying to make it in the big leagues. The result is a rich, full series that provides additional options for character development.In other words, Pitch is deep, yall.Plenty happened in the latest episode, which is aptly titled The Interim, but what really takes center stage is Baker struggling with the added media attention from Ginsanity -- the corny cousin of Linsanity from 2012 -- and how to use (or not to use) her elevated platform. No one can stop talking about her. The media wants her to comment on a sexual assault case in Florida; and a video of the Padres manager, Al, making sexist comments about her surfaces.Through it all, she insists that shes one of the guys and tells her agent, Im a ballplayer, like shes Monica from Love & Basketball yelling at Quincy.Ginny Baker, however, is not just one of the guys, no matter how much she wants to be, and thats not really what this is about anyway. Nestled within the conversations between Baker and her agent, teammate Mike Lawsons rousing pregame speech, and the probable firing of Al (Dan Lauria) is some exploration of identity politics.The Interim quietly asks, what does it really mean to be going through this experience as a woman, like Ginny Baker? What are her responsibilities? What does it mean to be a man? What does it mean to be a captain? Are you still a good man if youre politically incorrect? And what matters more ... intent or impact?The answers to those questions are the beating heart of the show Pitch strives to be. During a set visit in August, executive producer and showrunner Kevin Falls said Pitch was about the human condition. Identity politics are absolutely part of what make up the human experrience, and the series certainly does not shy away from that. Justin Canale. While sitting across from real-life late show host Jimmy Kimmel, fictional character Ginny Baker says, It seems like Im making a statement just by existing lately.Thats a loaded statement, and something that is surely relatable to many people watching the show. Baker is caught between a rock and a hard place. She desperately wants to fit in with her teammates and play baseball, but she also is having to navigate a previously unwalked path, all the while attempting to hold on to her precarious situation as a recently called-up pitcher who could be sent down from the majors at any moment.The struggle around identity, however, is not just limited to Baker. Her story is just the most prominent.In an interesting scene, Padres owner Frank Reid (Bob Balaban) discusses manager Als fate with Oscar Arguella (Mark Consuelos), the GM. Reid comments to Arguella that in addition to his getting hired because hes good at his job, he also looks like Spanish Superman.Im Mexican, Arguella responds.A few moments later when Reid tells Arguella he doesnt have him over for dinner because he doesnt get close to his employees, Arguella says, I thought it was because Im Mexican.This is interesting, not only because Reid admits to not being color-blind and implies that he values a perspective of someone who is not a mirror reflection of himself, but also because Arguella has clearly questioned why he hasnt been invited to his boss place for dinner. His own ethnicity is clearly salient to him, and his admission leaves viewers wondering what happened in his life to make him take pause at Reids distance.This is an important and palpable moment at a time when American society struggles with wanting to be color-blind and how to deal with racial and ethnic diversity. This is not unlike the sentiment Ginny is navigating in trying to decide whether her gender matters. Of course it matters, and so does race.What doesnt matter is how much we try to mute pieces of ourselves. They shine through anyway.Its the response that counts. ' ' '

    • March 20, 2020 9:07 AM IST
    • The best team in baseball meets the squad that does even years better than anyone. Geronimo Allison Super Bowl Jersey . Who has the edge as Jon Lester and the Cubs host Johnny Cueto and the Giants in Game 1?Go inside the numbers and matchups that will decide Fridays game, and then vote for which team will win at the bottom of the page.Inside the pitching matchupWhen?Cueto is on the mound:??Few pitchers are as fun to watch as Cueto, with the twists and turns in his delivery and his five-pitch arsenal. One of the few big-ticket free agents from last winter who delivered on his contract, Cueto went 18-5 with a 2.79 ERA and ranked third in the NL in innings pitched.Of his pitches -- four-seamer, two-seamer, changeup, cutter, slider -- the changeup is the one that rates as a big strikeout pitch, with a 35 percent K rate. He throws it only 23 percent of the time with two strikes, however, while throwing one of his fastballs 50 percent. He does get a high rate of grounders with both his four-seamer and two-seamer, preferring to throw inside to righties while painting the outside corner against lefties. With all the Cubs left-handed and switch-hitters, I wonder if well see the changeup a little more often, especially deep in the count -- and the Cubs love to work deep counts.Another key pitch has been his cutter, a pitch that Cueto seemed to lose the feel for when he struggled with the Royals last season. He throws it over 20 percent of the time and while it doesnt have a lot of movement, it has late movement, making it more of a weak contact pitch than a swing-and-miss offering. -- David SchoenfieldWhen?Lester is on the mound: Lesters late surge made him a strong Cy Young contender, as he went 9-1 with 1.46 ERA over his final 12 starts. He gave up two runs or fewer in 24 of his 32 starts, although one of his bad outings came against the Giants in May when he gave up five runs in 2.2 innings.Lester has made a notable change in his approach, throwing his fastball more than ever. He threw it 60 percent of the time, when he was under 50 percent two years ago. Lester has maintained his velocity pretty well through the year and at 32 still averaged 92 mph with his fastball, still above-average for a left-hander. The feeling was Lester had fallen in love too much with his cutter, although it has remained an effective pitch as batters hit just .212/.268/.302 against it. He still throws it about 20 percent of the time.His curveball has become a two-strikeout wipeout pitch, with a K rate above 50 percent, and batters hit .092 against it in 96 plate appearances ending with the pitch. He doesnt throw it a lot -- about 10 per game -- but look for him to use it with two strikes against right-handers. Like all Cubs pitchers, Lester certainly benefited from the teams excellent defense. He also led all qualified starters in strand rate at 84.9 percent as batters hit .173 against him with RISP. He allowed 28 stolen bases but had 13 caught stealings, a negligible rate for baserunners. -- SchoenfieldPlayer in the spotlightKris Bryant. The likely NL MVP after hitting .292/.385/.554 with 39 home runs 102 RBIs and a league-leading 121 runs, Bryant has settled nicely into the No. 2 spot in the order in front of Anthony Rizzo. Bryant hit two home runs in last years playoffs but also hit .179 with 12 strikeouts in nine games. He needs to get on base in front of Rizzo if hes not mashing it over the fence.?-- SchoenfieldWhat will decide tonights gameBatters have just a .554 OPS against Cuetos changeup this season, which is third-best among NL pitchers with at least 500 thrown. Cubs slugger Anthony Rizzo could challenge Cueto on that pitch. He hit .367 on changeups this season, the third-best batting average against the pitch in the NL. His 1.065 OPS also ranked third in the NL. Rizzo was 1-for-3 against Cueto this season, with that only hit coming on one of two changeups he saw from Cueto (the other was the first pitch of that same plate appearance).?--?ESPN Stats & InfoChoosing sides: Who will win?Even though Jon Lester has averaged more pitches per start in September than Giants starter Johnny Cueto, theres little debate he has thrown less stressful pitches. The Giants used every ounce of energy just to make it to Chicago, but that balloon will burst Friday, at least for one night. Lester will repeat the success from his early September performance against the Giants where he no-hit them into the seventh inning while the Cubs squeak one more run across than their opponents for a close victory. -- Jesse RogersIt really hasnt been that long since the Cubs have played meaningful baseball, but it sure feels like a long time. The Cubs have to slam the accelerator from the first pitch because with Madison Bumgarner looming in Game 3, there can be no re-acclimation period. But in Jon Lester, theyve got the right postseason veteran on the mound. There will be some tenuous moments but the Cubs will take Game 1. -- Bradford DoolittleThe Cubs real advantage in pitching wont start to emerge until we get to Game 2, because Johnny Cueto has the credentials to neutralize Jon Lester. He might not have the deep history of success in October that Lester or Madison Bumgarner do, but he dominated the New York Mets in Game 2 of the last World Series, so hell have that to draw on. Plus, the Cubs have been sitting idle while the Giants will come in with momentum and, as tough as Lester is, his stuff will look pedestrian compared to the 99-mph fastballs they faced from Noah Syndergaard. The Giants will grab this one and put mega-pressure on the Cubs.?-- Mark SaxonWhere the series standsThe Cubs won 16 more games than the Giants. In the wild-card era, teams with 15 or more than wins than their opponent is 9-1 -- with only the 116-win Mariners of 2001 losing to the 95-win Yankees. The Cubs are the heavy World Series favorites, but if they split these first two games, Madison Bumgarner looms in the distance for Game 3. ?--?Schoenfield Rashan Gary Super Bowl Jersey .R. Smith realized how easily basketball can be taken from him, and he wasnt going to take his place in the NBA for granted anymore. Raven Greene Super Bowl Jersey . With his new coach and six-time Grand Slam singles champion Boris Becker watching him during an official match for the first time, Djokovic appeared tentative early against the Slovakian player, who often appeared content to keep the ball in play. https://www.packersrookiestore.com/Packers-Jamaal-Williams-Jersey/ . Miikka Kiprusoff had just announced his retirement after a decade-long run in Calgary and it would be up to Berra and Ramo to fill the void. HOUSTON -- Colby Rasmus used his bat and his arm to make a big difference in his return to the lineup Tuesday night.Collin McHugh threw six scoreless innings, Rasmus and Evan Gattis homered and the Houston Astros beat the Oakland Athletics 3-1.Rasmus put Houston up 1-0 with a homer in the second inning in his first at-bat since returning from the 15-day disabled list.Its about as good a feeling as you can have being a baseball player, Rasmus said. I was just glad to be able to get out there and contribute and do some good for the team in a time where we needed a little spark.Rasmus went on the DL on Aug. 5 with a cyst in his right ear. He has a scar behind his upper right ear.We all said welcome back to him, Houston manager A.J. Hinch said. That was a nice way to get back on the active club. Thats exactly why you want him in the lineup.In the second, Oakland put runners on the corners with one out, but Rasmus caught Max Muncys flyout and threw home in time to get Ryon Healy and end the inning.That was a really big hit tonight for the team, but also for him to be able jump back in and pick up right where he left off was huge, McHugh said. Hats off to him. Then he made that great play in the field. I think he made that either right before or right after that, so that was in my opinion, the play of the game. It was his game.Gattis hit a solo homer in the seventh to make it 3-0.McHugh (9-10) allowed four hits and struck out five. He had allowed at least three runs in each of his previous six starts.It feels good to have a good outing to help the team, McHugh said. Especially in a game where their guy was throwing good, too. It was a tight game. Our guys put us on the board early, and to be able to hold steady was huge.Houston remained two games behind Baltimore for the second AL wild card.Alex Bregman had an RBI single in the third for Houston.Will Harris threw a perfect seventh, and Luke Gregerson allowed an unearned run in the eighth before Ken Giles pitched the ninth foor his sixth save. Tony Brown Super Bowl Jersey. Marcus Semien cut the lead to 3-1 with an RBI groundout to short in the eighth.Kendall Graveman (10-9) allowed three runs and four hits in seven innings. Graveman had allowed one run in his previous two starts.He was great, Oakland manager Bob Melvin said. Up until the second home run, they hit three balls hard the whole game off of him. We just didnt do enough offensively to give him support. Well take that stuff every night.AS DEAL CRISPOakland is nearing a deal to trade outfielder Coco Crisp to the Cleveland Indians, according to a person familiar with the trade. The exchange has been agreed to by both teams, said the person who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the trade has to be approved by Major League Baseball.The trade would have to be official by Wednesday for Crisp to be eligible for the postseason.The 36-year-old Crisp is batting .234 with 11 homers and 47 RBI in 102 games this season.FRONT OFFICE PROMOTIONSThe Astros promoted Mike Elias to assistant general manager, scouting and player development. Elias had been the director of amateur scouting. In addition to Elias promotion, the Astros promoted Pete Putila to director of player development and Armando Velasco to assistant director of player development.TRAINING ROOMAthletics: LHP Sean Manaea (left rhomboid strain) will likely miss his next start, Melvin said.Astros: The Astros optioned RHP Brad Peacock to Triple-A Fresno to make room on the roster for Rasmus.UP NEXTAthletics: LHP Ross Detwiler (1-3, 5.74) takes the mound Wednesday in the finale of the three-game series. Detwiler has allowed 14 runs in his last three starts, covering 14 innings.Astros: RHP Mike Fiers (9-6, 4.40) makes his 25th start of the season Wednesday. Fiers pitched into the seventh in his last outing Friday against Tampa Bay, allowing three runs. ' ' '

    • March 20, 2020 9:05 AM IST
    • GLENDALE, Ariz. Nike Air Force 1 07 Soldes . -- The Washington Redskins come to the desert with their offense in high gear, just like the Arizona Cardinals used to be.On Sunday, Washington faces a troubled Cardinals squad languishing deep in the standings at 4-6-1.Despite their 31-26 Thanksgiving Day loss to Dallas, the Redskins (6-4-1) lead the crowded competition for the NFCs No. 2 wild-card spot.We have a lot of different weapons on our team that can really contribute, Washington coach Jay Gruden said, and our offensive line is doing an excellent job ... Our quarterback is more comfortable in the system, were keeping him in favorable down and distances, and a lot of players are stepping up to make plays.Sounds a lot like what coach Bruce Arians used to say last year about his 13-3 Cardinals.These days, words like selfishness and accountability creep into the conversation. Arians also didnt like the teams level of` `physicality in its 38-19 loss at Atlanta last Sunday. And he said he was disappointed the teams leaders didnt lead better.Its not the first time Arians has publicly called out his players, although this time he didnt name names.Thats why we love him, Cardinals defensive back Tyrann Mathieu said. Hes critical, hes honest. He speaks how he feels.Mathieu is doubtful for Sunday due to a shoulder injury that sidelined him two of the last three games.Arizonas 2015 All-Pro cornerback Patrick Peterson said the players held a meeting where veterans reminded younger players that this is not the time to check out and start thinking about the offseason.As for the coachs criticism of the veterans, Peterson said, No comment.Arians expects the players to heed his criticism.They usually respond very well, he said. If they dont, youve got a problem. Weve never had any problem with guys responding.The Redskins will be without standout tight end Jordan Reed due to a shoulder injury, but have plenty of other targets for quarterback Kirk Cousins, so many that Peterson wont zero in on one receiver as he often does.The Cardinals have won 10, 11 and 13 games in Arians three seasons. If the Redskins win Sunday, it will be Arizonas first three-game losing streak in Arians time in Arizona.Here are some things to consider when the Redskins meet the Cardinals for the 122nd time in a series that dates to 1932:FITZGERALDS STATS: Larry Fitzgerald keeps climbing among the elite receivers of the game.He has 1,096 receptions and needs seven catches to move past good friend Cris Carter and Marvin Harrison into third on the NFL career list. Fitzgerald has caught a pass in 190 consecutive games, the third-longest streak in NFL history.And its not like his skills are diminishing. Fitzgerald is second in the league in receptions with 78, four behind leader Antonio Brown.NORMAN VS. FITZGERALD: Redskins All-Pro cornerback Josh Norman knows its a different challenge every week, from the Steelers Brown to the Cowboys Dez Bryant and Giants Odell Beckham Jr. On Sunday, its Fitzgerald, a big receiver who ratchets up the physicality.Hes aggressive, Norman said. As physical as a defensive back would be, hes aggressive on offense. He wants contact. He wants to get after you and block you. He wants to make that hard catch. Hes been doing that for years.PONCE DE DAVIS: Redskins tight end Vernon Davis is enjoying a career renaissance in his 11th NFL season at age 32 with 31 catches for 450 yards and two touchdowns.Even after the 49ers traded him and the Broncos didnt re-sign him, Davis never lost hope in his abilities because his speed was still there.Every phase of your life and your career youll face adversity, Davis said. You just have to know how to deal with it, and through it all you have to be optimistic. You have to be optimistic, keep your chin up, head held high and just keep going, keep moving forward.STILL A CHANCE? Mathematically, the Cardinals are still in the hunt for a playoff berth, even though their recent play wouldnt warrant that. Maybe this team has some hidden win streak in it.Everything just isnt coming together for us this year, Mathieu said. At the end of the day, weve got to find a way to win one football game. Its not really about going to the playoffs or anything like that. Weve just got to find a way to win one football game.---AP sports writer Stephen Whyno contributed to this report.---More AP NFL coverage: http://pro32.ap.org and http://twitter.com/AP-NFL Air Force 1 France . Tuesdays surgery at Atlantas Piedmont Hospital was performed by Dr. Xavier Duralde and Hawks team physician Dr. Michael Bernot. Air Force 1 Low Utility Pas Cher . DAmigo scored twice in regulation and added the shootout winner as the Toronto Marlies edged the San Antonio Rampage 5-4 in American Hockey League action. http://www.siteairforce1pascher.fr/air-force-1-shell-soldes.html . -- For the first time in two months, an opponent was standing up to Alabama. LAS VEGAS -- Houston wide receiver Chance Allen has been suspended for Saturdays Las Vegas Bowl against San Diego State for a violation of team rules.Allen, a senior who started his college career at Oregon, leads the Cougars with six touchdown receptions this season. Allen ranks second on the team with 56 receptions for 815 yards. Nike Air Force 1 07 Femme Pas Cher. Sophomore Isaiah Johnson is expected to start in place of Allen.The Houston Chronicle was first to report Allens suspension. ' ' '

    • March 20, 2020 8:58 AM IST
    • Utilizing our play-by-play data, were able to identify where each wide receiver and cornerback lines up on each play. Chuck Sieminski . By tracking matchups between the two positions, including potential shadow situations, we can offer the best projections, rankings and fantasy advice each week.What follows are the receivers with the best and worst Week 12 matchups, as well as some additional notes. Colton Schmidt . Those lessons were more than enough to overwhelm the Utah Jazz. Lou Williams scored 25 points and the Hawks continued their offensive upswing as they rolled to an easy 118-85 victory over the Jazz on Friday night, winning their third straight and for the fourth time in five games. Don Shy .5 million, one-year contract on Friday. Hawkins, who turns 41 in December, will compete with Rex Brothers for the closers role at spring training. https://www.cheapnfljerseyschina.co/mike-hennigan-jersey-for-sale/ . Note: The Calgary Flames announced Tuesday that Sean Monahan would not be made available to Canadas World Junior team. BOSTON -- Despite moving more than 1,000 miles from Boston, a former mob boss remained an ardent supporter of the New England Patriots while in witness protection.Members of an Atlanta-based Patriots fan club tell WPRI-TV in Providence, Rhode Island, that Francis Cadillac Frank Salemme attended at least three of the groups game watching parties under an assumed name during the past two seasons.Salemme entered witness protection in 1999 after testifying against fellow mobsteers James Whitey Bulger and Stephen The Rifleman Flemmi, as well as their handler, retired FBI agent John Connolly Jr. Brian Bonner. John Gray, president of the Atlanta fan club says he feels bad for Salemmes victims, but when youre a Patriots fan -- youre family.Salemme was arrested last week in Connecticut on charges he murdered a witness in 1993. ' ' '

    • March 20, 2020 8:56 AM IST
    • NEW YORK -- In February 2013, during a four-week span that saw President Obama inaugurated for his second term, Michael Jordan turn 50 and the Pentagon lift the official ban on women in direct combat roles, Serena Williams returned to the top of the world rankings in tennis. Ahkello Witherspoon Jersey . For the sixth time.Other than the fact that Williams, at age 31, became the oldest woman to hold the top spot since the computer rankings were introduced in 1975, surpassing Chris Evert, it wasnt huge news.Eleven years earlier, at age 20, Serena had attained the No. 1 ranking for the first time and spent a little over a year there. She returned to the top again in September 2008 after more than a five-year gap, the longest span between stays at No. 1 in WTA history.At no time since then would a change at the top have been quite so dramatic. But it will be the next time it occurs.At the end of the US Open, Williams, who plays Yaroslava Shvedova in a fourth-round match Monday, will either be tied with Steffi Graf for the longest stay at the top at 186 weeks, or she might lose the ranking altogether.While Williams held a 190-point advantage over No. 2 Angelique Kerber heading into the US Open, Kerber, the No. 2 seed here, now holds a 650-point lead after defeating No. 14 Petra Kvitova 6-3, 7-5 on Sunday night to advance to the quarterfinals against Roberta Vinci.To remain No. 1, Williams will need to reach the Open final. But if Kerber also reaches the final, Williams will need to beat her to keep the top ranking.Agnieszka Radwanska also has a chance at No. 1 but needs to win the title.Kerber has said she has put the possibility of No. 1 out of her mind.Actually its easy, Kerber said after her victory Sunday night, her 51st match win in 2016. If one day it happens, it will happen and will be the best day. But its still a long, long way to go. Im now in the next round and thats what counts right now.With the gap between Serena and the rest of the field seemingly insurmountable over the past three years, and Williams still capable of dominating tennis when she is in top form, losing the top ranking would no doubt catch a lot of people off guard.What it will not do, however, is change many opinions within the game.I think Serena for most of the people, is going to be No. 1 anyway, said Lesia Tsurenko, who lost to Vinci on Sunday in a fourth-round match. She is the greatest player ever. But its nice whats going on now in tennis that anyone can beat anyone. Thats probably good and I think this is also good for people who watch tennis just to see some new faces.Johanna Konta, who lost her fourth-round match Sunday to Anastasija Sevastova, said any of the No. 1 scenarios would be a wonderful achievement.[But] Serena maintaining her No. 1 position, I dont think says anything less of the depth of womens tennis, Konta said when that was suggested. I think the level that the girls are playing on a consistent basis is pretty impressive, and its only going to get better and better.But lets not dethrone Serena quite so fast. While the soon-to-be 35-year-old has won just one major this year, that Wimbledon title gave her 22 major championships, tying her with Steffi Graf for an Open-era record she will surely hold alone if not next week then at some point next year.For Vinci, who made Serena look particularly vulnerable with her historic upset in last years US Open semifinals, thus derailing Williams pursuit of the calendar Grand Slam, she was in no hurry to unseat the world No. 1.Well, its interesting, Vinci said. Kerber may be No. 1, but its tough. Its tough to be No. 1. Serena is still here. I saw her yesterday [defeat Johanna Larsson, 6-2, 6-1]. Shes on fire. We will see. Its not easy to be No. 1. The points and the pressure, well see. But Serena, I saw her. She played so well. Mark Nzeocha Jersey .J. -- New York Giants wide receiver Victor Cruz will miss the rest of the season after having surgery on his left knee. Wendell Tyler Jersey . Vettel, who has already clinched his fourth straight F1 title, enters the finale with a chance to equal Michael Schumachers 13 victories in a year and match the record of nine consecutive wins by Alberto Ascari in the 1952 and 1953 seasons. http://www.custom49ersjersey.com/custom-terrell-owens-jersey-large-1848d.html . The formidable trio of Canadian receivers -- individually known as Chris Getzlaf, Rob Bagg and Andy Fantuz -- will share the field at Mosaic Stadium one more time on Sunday. RIO DE JANEIRO -- Organizers of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, have set up a virtual-reality ski simulator -- complete with fake, blowing snow -- on Copacabana Beach.Having sun and sand is normal here, but not snow, said local Danieli Evangelista, stepping off the make-believe ski slope after waiting in line for 30 minutes for a taste of winter during the Summer Olympics. Hardly anyone here ever sees snow. Its very cool, a very real effect.Its also about to get very real for the next hosts of the Olympic Games.Were not ready to go today, but were getting ready, Kim Jaeyoul, vice president of the Pyeongchang organizing committee, told The Associated Press.South Koreas games will be the first of three straight in Asia, joining the Tokyo Summer Games in 2020 and the Beijing Winter Games in 2022. These come after a run of difficult games in Sochi, Russia, and now Rio de Janeiro, with the International Olympic Committee looking for a safe pair of hands, as Tokyo labeled its winning bid three years ago.Yet organizers in Pyeongchang have struggled with construction delays, local conflicts over venues and a slow pace in attracting domestic sponsorship. This contrasts with the smoother run-ups to the 1988 Seoul Olympics and the 2002 World Cup that South Korea co-hosted with Japan.Unlike the 1988 Olympics and the 2002 World Cup, it was not the central government but a province that led the efforts to bring the Olympics, said Heejoon Chung, who teaches sports science at South Koreas Dong-A University. There is a sentiment that the Winter Games are more about Pyeongchang than the nation as a whole.The Pyeongchang organizing committee named Lee Hee-beom its new president three months ago. It was the second leadership change in two years, and thats worried the International Olympic Committee.Lee bowed to IOC President Thomas Bach, and then to almost 100 IOC members, before addressing the full membership just days before the Rio Olympics opened.Id like to assure you that our preparations are fully on track, Lee told them.In introducing him, Bach called Lee a very dynamic and reliable leader, and joked that he promised he will be with us until the games take place.Organizers say that after a rocky start, 90 percent of the sponsorshhip target of $760 million will be met at the end of the year. Monty Stickles Jersey. Sponsorship will provide about one-third of the 2.2 trillion won, or $2 billion, operating budget. Kim said the budget would be adjusted in the next few weeks, compensating for inflation.Six new competition venues are about 80 percent complete, and a new high-speed rail line will be finished in June of 2017 and in operation the following January. The line will link Incheon airport to Pyeongchang and reduce travel time to 90 minutes from almost twice that much.Pyeongchang is also building a controversial sliding center for bobsled, luge and skeleton, after rejecting an IOC suggestion that it use a complex previously constructed for the games in Nagano, Japan, to save money. The cost is 124 billion won ($112 million) for a venue that could be a white elephant if not managed properly.Gunilla Lindberg, the IOC member heading the planning for Pyeongchang, said the sliding center and the International Broadcast Center are slightly delayed.Meantime, competition is heating up between South Korea and China over whose Olympic ski venue might ultimately become a destination for Asian tourists. Beijing planners have picked Zhangjiakou as the ski site for the 2022 games. Pyeongchang has some advantages, as it gets more natural snow than Zhangjiakou.A ski resort built for the Beijing Games is not going to be enough, considering the population of China, Kim said. We want to attract Chinese, but also Southeast Asians.Pyeongchang is in South Koreas Gangwon Province, and the central and provincial governments have been battling over who should pay the Olympic bills as skepticism grows about the long-term economic benefits of mega-sporting events, said Chung, the sports science professor.Pyeongchang mostly got what it wanted, Chung said, noting the province has pushed off costs to the central government. It has no choice. Its still the Olympics, and you dont want to look bad hosting it.---Kim contributed from Seoul, South Korea.---Stephen Wade on Twitter: http://twitter.com/StephenWadeAP .His work can be found at http://bigstory.ap.org/content/stephen-wade ' ' '

    • March 20, 2020 8:54 AM IST
    • Usain Bolt continued his preparations for the Rio Olympic Games by breaking the 10-second barrier to win the 100 metres at the Golden Spike event in Ostrava on Friday. China Jerseys 2021 . Bolt, the 100m and 200m Olympic champion in 2008 and 2012, clocked 9.98 seconds after pulling away from the field in the Czech Republic.The Jamaican sprint superstar said he had injured his hamstring in a first outing of the season in the Cayman Islands last week. But Bolt showed no ill-effects after picking up the pace from the 40m mark. Bolt targets 200 metres record Usain Bolt is aiming to break to 200 metres record at the Rio Olympics... He finished well ahead of Ramon Gittens, of Barbados, and Irans Hassan Taffian, who finished second and third in respective times of 10.21secs and 10.25secs.Bolt was making his eighth visit to the Ostrava meeting and had been set to go up against the Olympic decathlon champion Ashton Eaton.But the American Eaton pulled out after reporting a slight pain in his left thigh. Also See: Bolt targets 200 metres record Bolt being treated in Munich Bolt opens with a win Gatlin impresses in Shanghai Cheap Jerseys . Ryan Garbutt had a goal and two assists as Dallas snapped a six-game losing streak with a 5-2 victory over the Edmonton Oilers on Tuesday night. China Jerseys 2022 . Tomas Berdych and Radek Stepanek defeated Nenad Zimonjic and Ilija Bozoljac 6-2, 6-4, 7-6 (4) on the indoor hard-court at Belgrade Arena. The victory improved the Czech pairs impressive cup doubles record to 14-1. https://www.chinasjerseys.com/ . - NASCAR announced a 33-race schedule for the 2014 Nationwide Series with virtually no changes from this years slate. Nico Rosbergs second place at the British Grand Prix is being investigated for a potential breach of F1s radio regulations at Silverstone.In the closing laps of the race Rosberg reported gearbox problems to Mercedes, who gave him instructions including avoid seventh gear to help him get to the end of the race. F1s radio rules state drivers are only allowed to receive instructions for safety reasons or when a car failure is imminent.The Mercedes-Rosberg communication went as follows:Rosberg: Gearbox problem!Mercedes: Affirm. Chassis default zero oneMercedes: Avoid seventh gear, Nico.Rosberg: Well what does that mean? I have to shift through it?Mercedes:?Affirm, Nico, Affirm. You have to shift through it.Ahead of this weekend, the FIA told teams that it would be getting stricter on the radio rules, with any potential breaches being reported to thee stewards. China Jerseys Wholesale. The radio rules were a subject of debate after the Grand Prix of Europe last month when Lewis Hamilton was not allowed to be given instructions by Mercedes when his car entered an incorrect engine mode.?Immediately after the race, Rosberg said he felt the radio conversation was within the rules..Yeah, absolutely, Rosberg said. It was a very critical problem because I was stuck in seventh gear and about to stop on track. They told me to change to the default and try to fix it.Red Bull boss Christian Horner told Sky: It is pretty clear in the rules. What you have to ask, what would Rosbergs finish have been without those instructions. Its been reported to the stewards and they will deal with it. ' ' '

    • March 20, 2020 8:52 AM IST
    • AUBURN, Ala. Vapormax 97 Italia . -- Eli Stove broke free for a 78-yard touchdown run on Auburns first play, giving the No. 21 Tigers momentum they never lost in a surprisingly dominant 56-3 victory over No. 17 Arkansas on Saturday night.Auburn held out starting running back Kerryon Johnson and still ran for 543 yards, a school record for a Southeastern Conference regular-season game. With former Auburn star Bo Jackson watching, Kamryn Pettway had 192 yards rushing with two touchdowns. Johnson ran well in pregame warmups but did not play after hurting his right ankle against Mississippi State on Oct. 8.Auburn (5-2, 3-1) has won four straight.The Tigers held Arkansas (5-3, 1-3) to 215 total yards including 25 yards rushing. Rawleigh Williams ran for only 22 yards one week after he set a career high with 180 yards in a 34-30 win over No. 23 Mississippi.We played a complete game, Auburn coach Gus Malzahn said. ... Holding that group to 25 yards rushing was really unbelievable.Stanton Truitt had scoring runs of 20 and 31 yards and added a 45-yard touchdown catch.Arkansas coach Bret Bielema said he and his staff have got to take a really serious look at some of the things were doing. ... Tomorrows gonna be a long day, and it wont be on that will be a lot of fun but its got to happen.Arkansas quarterback Austin Allen was helped off the field with an apparent right knee injury in the second quarter but returned with a black sleeve on his knee on the next possession.Bielema said Allen was pulled late in the game after it started swelling up on him and getting a little tight.Adam McFain kicked a 54-yard field goal for Arkansas to close the first half. It was the seniors career-longest field goal.POLL IMPLICATIONSThe impressive win could send the Tigers close to the top 15. The Razorbacks could take a sharp fall in the next Top 25 poll.THE TAKEAWAYArkansas: The Razorbacks showed the effects of their eighth straight game, including third in a row against a ranked opponent, without an off week. Adding to the embarrassment for coach Bret Bielema, the Razorbacks were even overwhelmed by Auburns backups.Auburn: The Tigers made a case to be Alabamas top competition in the SEC West. The strong defensive performance is especially encouraging to Auburns hopes of recovering from early season losses to Clemson and Texas A&M.UP NEXTArkansas: The Razorbacks finally have a week off before their fourth straight game against a Top 25 team when they play No. 15 Florida on Nov. 5.Auburn: The Tigers will visit No. 23 Mississippi on Saturday in another important SEC West game. Vapormax Chinese New Year . Vancouver Whitecaps and Toronto FC failed to make the postseason while Montreal Impact fell at the first hurdle losing heavily to Houston Dynamo in the Eastern Conference Knockout Round. Vapormax Plus 2020 . On Mar. 16, coming off a "fight of the year" performance at UFC 154 the previous November, St-Pierre faced Nick Diaz at UFC 158 in what would be his eighth defence of the welterweight title. Using his superior athleticism, St-Pierre cruised to a five round, unanimous decision victory setting up a much-anticipated title defence against number one contender Johny Hendricks. http://www.scarpevapormaxscontate.it/ . SIMONS ISLAND, Ga. Admit it. Sometimes when youre just sitting around killing time you think about who would play you in a movie. No need to be embarrassed. We all do it. And, yes, Jennifer Lawrence will be playing me in my film. Thanks for asking.With that said, Alysa Auriemma -- daughter of legendary UConn coach Geno Auriemma and a professor at the school -- took her daydreaming to Twitter and came up with basically the most epic cast EVER in the movie about her dad thats not actually happening, but definitely should.Her thoughts are below in most of their entirety, because who am I to edit her dreams?OKAY FINE HERE IS MY CASTING FOR THE MOVIE THEY WILL NEVER MAKE ABOUT MY DAD- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 6, 2016My mom and I have always joked that the mom from Home Improvement should play her if they make a movie.- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 6, 2016Either her or Kate Winslet, because why not? (Im assuming theyll make a movie about the 1995 team and Kate is the same age my mom was)- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 6, 2016I would want ALL unknowns for the girls on the team. I cant think of a single person in Hollywood who could play those girls.- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 6, 2016Danai Gurira as Robin Roberts because why the hell not?- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 6, 2016Holly Hunter as Pat Summitt (COME ON WOULDNT THAT BE PERFECT)- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 6, 2016Obviously I would be in this movie (I have a BFA in drama, not some idiot who cant act) but Id cast myself as, like, my Aunt Anna.- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 6, 2016Mainly because Id just want something small and inconsequential to the main plot but my Aunt is awesome and we kinda look alike ISH.- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 6, 2016As far as the one you guys are all wondering about...the choices I have for Dad? Youre going to make fun of me. Hard.- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 6, 2016OMG. Someone guessed the one I was thinking of before I landed on my final choice! Matt Damon!- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 7, 2016Matt Damon is about the same age as Dad when we won the 2000 championship. Hes got the same kind of face and he could pull off the accent. Vapormax Flyknit 3 Donna. - Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 7, 2016The other choice I have...and I swear to god if you guys make it weird I will drop my Twitter so fast....- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 7, 2016Sebastian Stan.NO SERIOUSLY HEAR ME OUT WHERE ARE YOU GOING- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 7, 2016If you squint they sort of look alike. Theyre both immigrants from Europe so theyve got that aesthetic. Seb can do comedy AND heavy drama.- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 7, 2016This is NOT because I crush on the dude. The ages would match up if they decided to go all the way back to the beginning.- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 7, 2016Just gonna leave these photos for comparison. Dad, 1991. https://t.co/7xOSUQo0hf- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 7, 2016He definitely had that slick Italian guy whos done you wrong look about him. https://t.co/GJnPSwOcvw- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 7, 2016Dammit, I cant post the Seb photo I found but JUST GO FIND ONE THEY COULD LOOK ALIKE IF YOU SQUINT.- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 7, 2016The only one Im stuck on is CD. Maybe Rachael McAdams? Or Emily Blunt?- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 7, 2016I could see Blake Lively but a little older! CD was in her mid-30s when we won in 1995. https://t.co/UK6dnItdNe- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 7, 2016Good god I have no idea. Diana would want to play herself. https://t.co/iCPhDnFSoM- Holly Auriemma ?? (@allyauriemma) December 7, 2016While this movie is sadly not in development -- not yet anyway -- you can still get your dose of Geno and UConns womens team off the court. Per an announcement on Tuesday, the team will be the focus of an upcoming reality show on HBO. So at least theres that.But if its the real thing you want, youre in luck. No. 1 Connecticut takes on No. 2 Notre Dame Wednesday (ESPN2, 7 p.m. ET) in a battle of unbeatens.See something entertaining on social media that you think deserves to be shared? Let me know on Twitter, @darcymaine_espn. ' ' '

    • March 20, 2020 8:49 AM IST
    • PHILADELPHIA -- Ryan Mathews ran for 108 yards and two touchdowns, a tenacious defense held down the leagues highest-scoring offense and the Philadelphia Eagles beat the Atlanta Falcons 24-15 on Sunday. Willie Roaf Jersey .Carson Wentz threw for 231 yards and led the Eagles (5-4) to a comeback victory for the first time this season. Caleb Sturgis made three field goals, including a clutch kick from 48 yards to seal the win late.Matt Ryan threw a 76-yard touchdown pass to Taylor Gabriel in the fourth quarter to give Atlanta (6-4) a 15-13 lead, but Philadelphia answered.Mathews ran in from the 5 and also converted the 2-point conversion for a 21-15 lead with 7:14 left in the game.On Atlantas ensuing possession, Julio Jones dropped a pass on third-and-12 and the Falcons punted away. Jones couldnt make a difficult catch on fourth-and-5 on Atlantas next drive.Jones, sporting fashionable cleats to support the NFLs Salute To Service, had 10 catches for 135 yards.The Falcons came in averaging 33.8 points. But they settled for field goals of 38, 43 and 46 yards by Matt Bryant before Ryan connected with Gabriel.Mathews had just nine carries combined in the past two games while 33-year-old Darren Sproles was featured. But coach Doug Pederson made a point to establish the run right away. Mathews carried seven times for 34 yards on the first drive, taking it in from the 4 for a 7-0 lead.Rookie Wendell Smallwood had 70 yards rushing and Philadelphia finished with a season-high 207 on the ground.Ryan was 18 of 33 for 267 yards, one TD and one interception.HOME DOMINANCE: The Eagles are 4-0 at home, including convincing wins over the Steelers and Vikings.DOUBLE DUTY: Bryant had two decent punts after Matt Bosher left with a hamstring injury in the fourth quarter.DRIVE-STOPPERS: Vic Beasley Jr. had two sacks, including a strip that forced Wentz to fumble and the Falcons recovered at their own 42. Philip Wheeler stopped Mathews at the 1 and Paul Worrilow tacked Mathews for a 1-yard loss on the next play to force a field goal in the fourth quarter.PLAYING DEEP: On consecutive plays to end the first half, Jones and then Eagles wide receiver Dorial Green-Beckham played deep safety to defend potential desperation passes.INJURIES: Eagles CB Nolan Carroll left the game late in the first half after sustaining a concussion. ... Falcons CB Desmond Trufant, RB Tevin Coleman and TE Jacob Tamme sat out with injuries. Eagles LG Allen Barbre missed his second straight game.UP NEXT: The Falcons host the Arizona Cardinals, while the Eagles visit the Seattle Seahawks.---http://www.pro32.ap.org and -http://www.twitter.com/AP-NFL---Follow Rob Maaddi on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AP-RobMaaddi Ethan Greenidge Jersey . Kozun faked to the forehand and beat Monsters starter, Calvin Pickard, pad side in the second round for the winner. Spencer Abbott also scored in the shootout for the Marlies (25-13-4). Joe Johnson Jersey . -- Cam Newton pranced into the end zone, placed his hands over his chest and did his familiar Superman pose. http://www.customsaintsjersey.com/custom-jared-cook-jersey-large-2032e.html . 10 VCU 85-67 on Thursday night at the Puerto Rico Tip-Off. The Seminoles (4-0) have scored at least 80 points in each of their games. KEARNS, Utah -- Canadas Marianne St-Gelais won the womens 500 meters at the ISU World Cup short-track speedskating event Sunday to close the weekend with three medals.St-Gelais finished the 500 in 43.059 seconds, was second in the 1,500 on Saturday and was a member of Canadas bronze- medal 3,000 relay team Sunday. She was the benefactor of a crash involving Great Britains Elise Christie, who set the world record in the quarterfinals and was leading before sliding into the wall and getting her right skate caught in the padding. Christie was helped to the locker room afterward.You dont want to win because of that, but you have to be aware because its short track, said St-Gelais, who has three Olympic silver medals. You have to be smart. Theres so many things you have to think about while youre skating. ... Its a gold, but its not the way I wanted to have the gold, but its still a gold.Im really happy. Im confident. We worked so hard this summer. ... I still want to have my gold medal at the Olympics, so Im working hard for that.The weekend event finished with five world records and 49 national records.South Koreas Choi Minjeong was second in the 500 in 43.244, followed by Chinas Kexin Fan (43.249).Sjinkie Knegt of the Netherlands broke the mens world record in the 1,500 at 2:07.943. South Koreas Lee Jung-Su (2:08.646) was second and Russias Semen Elistratov (2:08.655) third.South Korea swept the womens 1,500, with Shim Suk Hee (2:22. Morten Andersen Jersey. 384), Kim Jiyoo (2:22.837) and Noh Do Hee (2:22.954) finishing 1-2-3. All three joined Choi on the winning 3,000 relay team (4:05.149). Korea set the world record in the relay at 4:04.222 in the semifinal round Saturday.American Katherine Reutter was in position to medal in the 1,500, but slipped and finished sixth in 2:30.695.I feel like Im right below the threshold, said Reutter, the two-time Olympic medalist that came out of retirement this year. I dont know what it is thats got to click, but I know when I get there, the games going to change. ... I know that moment is coming. I just have to take my medicine and wait for it to get there.Im a little sad about today. Going into it I thought I was fifth last weekend, I was fifth yesterday and Ill be OK if Im fifth today. Id love to be fourth. Id really love a medal. But incremental steps are OK. To actually get sixth, that hurt my feelings. That is what it is. ... I am very satisfied with where I am. ... Losing hurts, but we can learn from it and stay strong afterward.Kazakhstans Abzal Azhgaliyev won the mens 500 in 40.373. Chinas Tianyu Han (40.419) was second, and Canadas Charles Hamelin (46.260) third.China won the mens 5,000 relay. ' ' '

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