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  • Topic: How To Take Care Of Your 4x4 Closure Wig

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    • March 9, 2022 12:22 PM IST
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      How To Take Care Of Your 4x4 Closure Wig

      It is a very easy and simple question actually, we all know 4x4 Lace Wig come with a certain portion of lace laying in front of Remy human hair wigs, which can be divided into different kinds of lace closure wigs in accordance with the lace size. 4x4 Lace Closure are those with 4x4 lace size.

      How To Take Care Of Your 4x4 Closure Wig
      1.Make sure you sew the closure wig down tight and flat. If it’s loose, it will not look right.

      2.Always check and make sure the closure hair 4x4 wig is not twisting out of place while you are sewing it down.

      3.Gently swish your 4x4 Closure Wig when washing. It is recommended that you add a bit of shampoo to a small spray bottle then filled with moderately warm water.

      4.Do not rub or twist.

      5.Do not brush or pull hair while wet, as this will loosen the knots. And, you have to wash and condition using moisturizing products.

      6.We recommend a small number of daily moisturizers such as coconut to combat dryness or frizziness.

      7.The heat damages the wig’s ends and this may lead to the drying out of your cuticles. Thus, when you place the lace wig on your head, ensure that you protect it from the direct heat of the sun.

      8.When combing the hair on lace closure wig you should be extra cautious. Because sudden force may dislocate or loosen it from the base. To prevent this, ensure that you begin brushing the hair to the top from the ends while ensuring that you don’t get too close to the lace base.

      9.Last, be careful with chemicals, dyes, rinses, and bleaches because they would damage your natural hair.

      Other Important Care Tips:
      1.4x4 Lace wigs should be washed at least twice every month, most preferably with clarifying shampoo. Clarifying shampoo is highly recommended because it helps with frizz and tangles.

      2.Never blow dry lace wigs after being washed and rather allow to dry naturally. This will cause the drying of the wig, and that may lead to increased breakage.

      I hope you have found this guide useful. If you need any more help just let us know either by visit www.ruiyuhair.com

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