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ICONNECT'2k17 International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts & Technology
3/28/17 10:00 AM - 3/29/17 5:00 PM
K Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Tiruchirapp...
by Campus Dreamz 2 guests 0.0
Campus K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirapalli
K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirapalli
  • Registration Closing Date January 20, 2017
  • Facebook Link
  • Departments Computer S­cience and­ Engineeri­ng
    Electrical­ and Commu­nication E­ngineering­
    Electrical­ and Elect­ronics Eng­ineering
    Mechanical­ Engineeri­ng
    Civil Engi­neering
    Science &a­mp; Humani­ties and E­ngineering­

               The International conference on the latest innovations in engineering, science and management provides an international forum for researchers, developers, engineers and practitioners who are involved in real time projects that provides an opportunity to exchange their valuable ideas and showcase the ongoing works which may lead to path breaking foundation of the futuristic enhancement. The conference will feature invited talks from eminent personalities all around the world and also Students and young researchers will have a unique chance to be acquainted with the latest innovative ideas.