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    • February 6, 2020 9:44 AM IST
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      if you are installing shutters on large or tall windows

      How to install blinds
      One of the biggest features of plantation shutters is that they always seem to be custom made for windows-especially compared to curtains or blinds. Their remarkable functionality and

      striking aesthetics caught the eye and invited friends and family to visit. Imagine for them
      Praise "I have installed the plantation shutters" In theory, you can make the plantation shutters yourself, but it is difficult to get the finer details and you need some specialized

      equipment. It's much better to get (almost) the same amount of glory. When you run the last lap with a baton and install the blinds, let's do the dirty work of making the blinds.
      Here you will find a complete walk through how to make plantation shutters look great in your home. We will deal with preparation, step-by-step guidance and management of some common points

      of failure.
      What to Look For in Your Shutter Transmission All shutters come in three types of boxes. they are:
      Long, narrow box with shutter frame.
      Wider blinds panel box.
      The hardware for all the blinds you ordered is combined in a small box labeled "Hardware".
      When you are putting your plantation shutters in place, the first step should always be to make sure everything is on your order.
      Installation of plantation shutters Depending on the size of the window, the shutters can be large. Also, it's important to have a solid, flat surface to work with so that your frames are

      real and when you put them together before installing them on the window.
      For these two reasons, it really helps to clean up the furniture and as much space as possible.
      If you install shutters in multiple rooms, it is easy to assemble the shutter frames in one room and then bring them to the final location. We recommend that you keep multiple shutters

      separate and work on each shutter in the room where the shutters are installed. The box sent by your blinds will be labeled with the room code label you provided.
      Tools needed to install blinds
      If you're not sure yet, the short list of tools should be further evidence that installing plantation shutters is a viable DIY project. you need to:
      Electric drill
      Spirit level
      Small screwdriver
      Box cutter
      Small ladders or steps (if you are installing shutters on large or tall windows)
      Installation is fixed, if you install your frame to the wall type (usually masonry), including hardware cannot be used.
      Of course, you also need to follow the instructions. You may want to keep your phone at hand in case it gets stuck and you want to send us a question with a photo. Step by step: How to make

      the plantation shutters look perfect. We heard a customer asking "Can I install the plantation shutters myself?" "
      The answer is: "Yes, absolutely!"
      Your kit, including frame, shutter panels and hardware, is ready to install plantation shutters is a snapshot, even for novice DIYers.
      To make your plantation shutters look perfect, you need to follow these steps:
      After you finish setting up your room, gather the tools you need and make sure all the parts are together, we recommend that you arrange a box with blinds to protect them from the floor.

      The hinges face the ground, joining the miter angles of the frame together. There should be a bow-shaped incision in each joint at each corner. Push the bow-shaped plastic piece into the

      cut. Cover the plastic piece with a small piece of cardboard and gently tap it into place with a hammer. Orient the frame so that the hinge is on the right side and bring it to the window.
      If your frame has pre-drilled holes, drill pilot holes through them and into the wall or window behind the frame. (In some cases, you may need to drill holes yourself.)
      Find the long screws in your hardware box. Depending on the size of the sides of the frame, secure one or two screws into each frame. (The idea at this point is to keep the frame away from

      the window, but still allow some movement when getting the frame square.) Your level of mentality will help you push the frame to a square stand. Once properly aligned, use a screwdriver or

      electric screwdriver to secure the remaining screws in place.
      (In the long run, the time it takes to reach perfection at this stage is worth it.)
      Find where the hinge is attached to the shutter panel and provide it to the rear half of the corresponding hinge in the frame. Pass the hinge pin through the hole in the top through the

      hinge's two halves.
      Fine-tune the height of the blinds with the top and bottom screws on each hinge plate. Once you are satisfied with the position of the shutter panel, secure it in place with a third, middle

      Depending on your design, your hardware kit will include a frame hole cover or filler strip. Use these to cover up the holes for your fixing screws. (They are not for the tension screw

      holes on the side of the shutter.
      To achieve a polished and professional look, the gap between the shutter frame and the window is filled with a decorative caulk.
      We are sure that your plantation shutter installation will go smoothly, but if you feel you need to clarify something, please don't hesitate to contact our team by phone or email.
      Is the installation of blinds a separate project?
      In general, even a novice DIYer can manage the installation of plantation shutters on their own. Take your time, read the instructions carefully, and be careful not to damage the shutter

      panel. You should be fine before you put them in place.
      You may appreciate your help, including:
      For very large or tall windows, one person holds the frame in place, the other drills a hole and then screws.
      The solid protruding blinds are a bit heavier than the blinds of other configurations, so having someone else help you put them in the frame will help. In general, if someone can help you

      fine-tune the shutter height, that step will be much faster.

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